शहीद निर्मल महतो मेडिकल कॉलेज
Shaheed Nirmal Mahto Medical College Dhanbad
Affiliated to Binod Bihari Mahto Koyalanchal University (BBMKU) Dhanbad.
Recognized by National Medical Commission of India (MCI) in 1999.
Established in 1971
Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology (FMT)
The Department of Forensic Medicine & Toxicology started functioning in the year 1979. It was first headed by Professor Dr. Rai Sudhir Prasad. Presently the department is running under Dr. Jakka Srinivas Rao, Associate Professor & HOD. The primary objective of the department is to impart Medico-legal knowledge through teaching & training of undergraduate students (2nd & 3rd year MBBS) as well as Paramedics.
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Infrastructures, Facilities & Activities
1) Infrastructure
The academic section of the department lies on the 1st floor of the college building with Departmental Office, Demonstration room, Department cum Seminar Room & Museum.
2) Museum
Museum is well equipped with Models, Charts, Bones, Weapons, Posters, Photo graphs, Toxicological specimen, human skeleton for teaching purpose.
3) Demonstration Room
Demonstration Room is well equipped with overhead projector, Audio Visual equipment, X-Ray view boxes, microscopes, space for bone examination, charts, models, dry & wet specimen etc.
4) Research Activities
Research Activities are conducted in the departmental research Laboratory on the 1st floor.
All the faculties have separate chambers.
5) Departmental Library
Departmental Library is well equipped within the department catering to the needs of faculty and students for study/ reference purpose with more than 200 books of Indian & foreign authors with regular update of recent books.
6) Mortuary
The department has well equipped separate Mortuary with provision for preservation of dead bodies in two separate (6+6) deep freezer & Dissection Hall with Students Gallery for conducting post mortem examination & Demonstration of Post mortem examination to Medical Students. There is also an open Mortuary with fly proofing for conducting post-mortem examination of Decomposed bodies & skeletal Remains.
7) Academic Activities
Regular lecture classes for UGs & Paramedics.
Experimental teaching via natural specimens, models, case photographs & live Post mortem examination.
Imparting Medico legal education to legal fraternity such as Honourable Trainee judges, learned public prosecutors & law students.
Providing 15 days rotation based training for Interns.
8) Medico legal Works
Post mortem examination
Bone Examination
Age Estimation
Clinical examination of alleged Sexual Assault Cases of Victims & Accused.
9) Working Pattern
Post mortem examination is conducted 7 day a week including public Holidays. On necessity & Requisition services are provided on round the clock basis. The department is performing & solving complicated referred cases of different profiles of the entire District & neighbouring districts with permission of concerned Judicial Magistrates.
10) Future Plans
Efforts are being made to strengthen & enrich the Department with a view to start Post-graduation Course in our department. Plans for a well equipped Toxicological Garden is also under consideration.
11) Statistics
Year No Post mortem Examination Bone Examination Age Estimation
2021 1193
2020 1214
2019 1132