शहीद निर्मल महतो मेडिकल कॉलेज
Shaheed Nirmal Mahto Medical College Dhanbad
Affiliated to Binod Bihari Mahto Koyalanchal University (BBMKU) Dhanbad.
Recognized by National Medical Commission of India (MCI) in 1999.
Established in 1971
Department of Blood Bank
The Blood Bank centre was established in 2012. It is One of the Manin a Major Blood Bank centre in the district of Dhanbad (JHARKHAND).
Blood Centre fulfills the criteria of NACO &NMC.
with valid license from the Govt of India ( Bharat) .
Contact Details Of the department : Email Id: bloodbankpmch@gmail.com Contact No.: 03264009084
Infrastructures, Facilities & Activities
1) Infrastructure
It situated in 3rd floor in Hospital. Its l Building is well maintained fully Air Conditioned Donor waiting room/Donor complex/component room/labs etc.
2) Facilities
Whole blood, Blood Component and Apheresis.
3) Teaching & Training
Regular teaching and training of lab tech, Paramedical student and MBBS student as per Schedule.
4) Activities
Outdoor/Indoor voluntary blood donation Camps organised and conduction, blood donation awareness campaign.
5) Research/Publication
Done Regularly.
6) Event(Upcoming/Ongoing)
Voluntary blood donation camp organizer facilitation programme.
7) Achievement
Blood centre providing Regular (without replacement) blood/blood component to be thalassemia patient blood dyscreasia JSSK and other needy emergency patients.
During 2021 blood centre transacted 14230 units.
Our goal and target to achieve 200000 units transaction in 2022.